There are several options available to you if you are studying part time, depending on your circumstances and the course you want to take.
Financial Support | Part time education |
Tax Relief | Tax Relief (for part-time third level courses or for students who are not eligible for free fees for full time education courses). Tax relief, at the standard rate of tax, is available on third level tuition fees paid in respect of approved courses at approved Colleges of Higher Education including certain approved undergraduate courses in EU Member states and certain postgraduate courses in non EU Countries.
For further information please contact: Local Tax Office – 1890 444 425 Central Information office at (01) 8736100. Revenue’s Internet site at Form to complete is the IT 31 send to Tax Office, East & South Eastern Region, PO Box 1, Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford. |
Intreo (Dept. of Social Protection) | If you are dependent on Social Welfare payments, and have identified a part time course that can help your career path, (either locally or further afield) then there may be funding available to you from the Dept. of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. If you qualify, they may pay part or all of your tuition fees without affecting your social welfare payments. Intreo Enniscorthy Centre, Bridgepoint, Enniscorthy, 053 9239300. Intreo New Ross Centre, Cross Street, New Ross, 051 421693 Mon – Friday 9.30 – 12 pm and 2 – 4 pm. Intreo Wexford Centre, DSP, Anne Street, Wexford. 053 9165400 For further information visit |
Personal Microcredit Scheme (New Pilot Scheme 2016) | It Makes Sense Loans are available to people in receipt of social welfare. Loan repayments are made from deductions each week from your social welfare payment. Wexford Credit Union is involved in this scheme, their website is . For further information visit: |
St Vincent De Paul | South East Area – St Vincent De Paul, Ozanam Centre, Henrietta Street, Waterford Telephone 051 873128 |
Back to Education Initiative (BTEI) | BTEI is operated through the WWETB (Wexford & Waterford Education & Training Board). The program offers subsidised part time courses in a range of subjects. Courses have run in subjects as varied as childcare, computers, painting, and ECDL. All courses offer QQI certification and are run in venues all over the county. Costs are kept to a minimum, and if you are on Social Welfare payments and/or have a medical card, some courses are free. |
Springboard courses | The Springboard Initiative in Higher Education offers free, part time courses at Certificate, Degree and Masters level. |
Community Education | Community Education Facilitators in the wwetb help to facilitate, support and organise community based education free or low cost classes with community groups. |
Money Advice and Budgeting Service | If you are finding it difficult to manage financially, whether due to course costs or for other reasons, it is a good idea to seek the advice of your local Money Advice and Budgeting Service. For general information on MABS: Wexford MABS, 41 North Main Street, Wexford. 053 9121504 |
Important | The area of financial supports for adults returning to education is complex. New financial supports may arise under temporarily funded projects. Eligibility requirements and payment rates for existing grants can change. It is a good idea after you have done your research, using our pointers above, to double check with the funding agency that is relevant to your situation. |